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CDN fallback for DataTables.js

I am trying to write a CDN fallback for datatables.min.js -- somehow, I couldn't find any on Google or on After reading this StackOverflow post and this DataTables post, I came up with this unsuccessful piece (even tried various expressions as shown):

    if (typeof jQuery.fn.dataTable === 'undefined') {
        document.write('<script src="~/scripts/datatables.min.js"><\/script>');            
        //document.write('<script src="~/scripts/datatables.min.js">\x3C/script>'); //same
        //document.write('\x3Cscript src="~/scripts/datatables.min.js"\x3E\x3C/script\x3E'); //same

For troubleshooting, I loaded datatables.min.js directly and got these two confusing results:

1/ I get undefined (BAD) from this:

    document.write('<script src="~/scripts/datatables.min.js"><\/script>');
    alert(typeof jQuery.fn.dataTable);

2/ ... but somehow I get function (GOOD) from that:

<script src="~/scripts/datatables.min.js"></script>
    alert(typeof jQuery.fn.dataTable);

That looks the same to me, especially since document.write uses synchronous loading. I also tried a pure DOM method but no luck.

What am I missing with document.write?


  • A correct CDN fallback for DataTables following accepted fallback practices is:

        if (typeof jQuery.fn.dataTable === 'undefined') {
            document.write('\x3Cscript src="/scripts/datatables.min.js"\x3E\x3C/script\x3E');
            //document.write('<script src="/scripts/datatables.min.js"><\/script>');

    or simply

    <script>window.jQuery.fn.dataTable || document.write('\x3Cscript src="/scripts/datatables.min.js"\x3E\x3C/script\x3E')</script>

    The tilda / relative path in src="" was the problem, as suggested by @ParthTrivedi (see comments). Per this post, "when in script, paths are relative to displayed page".