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sbt, ivy, offline work, and weirdness

I'm trying to work on an sbt project offline (again). Things almost seem to be ok, but there are strange things that I'm baffled by. Here's what I'm noticing:

I've created an empty sbt project and am considering the following dependencies in build.sbt:

name := "sbtSand"

version := "1.0"

scalaVersion := "2.11.7"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "joda-time" % "joda-time" % "2.9.1",
    "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % "1.5.2"

I've built the project while online, and can see all the packages in [userhome]/.ivy2/cache. The project builds fine. I then turn off wifi, sbt clean and attempt to build. The build fails. I comment out the spark dependency (keeping the joda-time one). Still offline, I run sbt compile. The project builds fine. I put the spark dependency back in, and sbt clean. It again fails to build. I get back online. I can build again.

The sbt output for the failed builds are like:

The key part of it is:

[info] Resolving org.apache.hadoop#hadoop-mapreduce-client-app;2.2.0 ... [warn] Host not found. url= [info] You probably access the destination server through a proxy server that is not well configured.

It's interesting that sbt is managing to use the joda-time from ivy cache, but for the spark-core package (or rather its dependency) it wants to reach out to the internet and fails the build. Could anybody please help me understand this, and what I can do so that I can get this to work while fully offline?


  • It seems the issue is resolved in 0.13.9. I was using 0.13.8. [The 0.13.9 msi for windows seemed to give me 0.13.8, while the msi installed the right version. Existing projects need updating manually to 0.13.9 in build properties.]