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angularJS how to manipulate resolve returm

I am using AngularJS and RESTAngularJS. My resolve return correct JSON. for example "subject"

0: {subjectId: "1", subjectCode: null, subjectLongName: "English", subjectShortName: "English"}
1: {subjectId: "2", subjectCode: null, subjectLongName: "Hindi", subjectShortName: "Hindi"}
2: {subjectId: "3", subjectCode: null, subjectLongName: "Maths", subjectShortName: "Maths"}
3: {subjectId: "4", subjectCode: null, subjectLongName: "Physics", subjectShortName: "Physics"}
4: {subjectId: "5", subjectCode: null, subjectLongName: "Chemistry", subjectShortName: "Chemistry"}

when I am assigning to, as below

$scope.SecondItems = subject; 

I am getting result as following

[Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, route: "subject", reqParams: null, restangularized: true, fromServer: true, parentResource: null…]


How get rid of extra fields like


OR what wrong I am doing?


  • Use the plain method from restangular to get rid of them.

    Like: $scope.SecondItems.plain();
