I am using aldeed tabular table to display record. I have drop down of status filed. I want to filter records based on drop down selection.
Is there any way to do this?
Use a selector
parameter for your tabular component in your template to filter values client side only.
Something like:
<template name="invoiceList">
{{> tabular table=TabularTables.Invoices selector=statusSelector class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover"}}
is a template helper that should return a Mongo-style selector. That selector could be constructed from a session variable. Set the session variable to the dropdown selected value
and get the value in the template helper.
For example:
Template.invoiceList.events( {
'change #statusdropdown': function(evt) {
var currentTarget = evt.currentTarget;
var statusValue = currentTarget.options[currentTarget.selectedIndex].value;
Session.set('selectedstatus', statusValue);
statusSelector: function () {
var selector = {};
var selectedStatus = Session.get('selectedstatus');
if (selectedStatus)
selector = {status: selectedStatus}; // This is the selector/filter that is going to be applied to the collection.
return selector;
It is explained here as well: https://github.com/aldeed/meteor-tabular#displaying-only-part-of-a-collections-data-set