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ReferenceError in JavaScript

I've got a problem with my web application. Firebug console gives me a "ReferenceError" that nearly every function is not found. I don't really know. I didn't even change stuff in some of the functions. A snippet of my code:

<tr id="08">
    <td id="mo08" onclick="go(this)"> </td>

Neither the onclick functions work nor the <body onload=function()> works. I've tried to put the script into the header, but it ain't working, neither beneath the body.

function go(element) { 
  var ident =;


  • I have solved my issue now. The Problem were my tries to connect to my mysql server and get some data from it. After i deleted it out, everything worked fine for me. The Error occured in Line 1 Column 1, so i didn't have any clues, where to find my error. I Thank you all for your Time and Effort.