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How to convert EBCDIC hex to binary


I wrote a program to convert EBCDIC string to hex. I have a problem with some signs.

So, I read string to bytes, then change them to hex(every two signs)

Problem is that, JAVA converts Decimal ASCII 136 sign according to to Decimal ASCII 63.

Which is problematic and wrong, becouse it's the only wrong converted character.

EBCDIC 88 in UltraEdit

//edit -added code

int[] bytes = toByte(0, 8);
String bitmap = hexToBin(toHex(bytes));

//ebytes[] - ebcdic string
public int[] toByte(int from, int to){
    int[] newBytes = new int[to - from + 1];
    int k = 0;
    for(int i = from; i <= to; i++){
        newBytes[k] = ebytes[i] & 0xff;
    return newBytes;

public String toHex(int[] hex){
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int b : hex) {
        if(Integer.toHexString(b).length() == 1){
            sb.append("0" + Integer.toHexString(b));
    return sb.toString();

public String hexToBin(String hex){
    String toReturn = new BigInteger(hex, 16).toString(2);
    return String.format("%" + (hex.length() * 4) + "s", toReturn).replace(' ', '0');


Changing encoding in Eclipse to ISO-8859-1 helped, but I lose some signs while reading text from a file.


Problem solved by changing the way of reading file.

Now, I read it byte by byte and parse it to char. Before, it was line by line.


  • Solution.

    • Change encoding in Eclipse to more proper (in my example ISO-8859-1).
    • Change the way of reading file.

    Now, I read it byte by byte and parse it to char.

    Before, it was line by line and this is how I lost some chars.