I wrote a program to convert EBCDIC string to hex. I have a problem with some signs.
So, I read string to bytes, then change them to hex(every two signs)
Problem is that, JAVA converts Decimal ASCII 136 sign according to https://shop.alterlinks.com/ascii-table/ascii-ebcdic-us.php to Decimal ASCII 63.
Which is problematic and wrong, becouse it's the only wrong converted character.
//edit -added code
int[] bytes = toByte(0, 8);
String bitmap = hexToBin(toHex(bytes));
//ebytes[] - ebcdic string
public int[] toByte(int from, int to){
int[] newBytes = new int[to - from + 1];
int k = 0;
for(int i = from; i <= to; i++){
newBytes[k] = ebytes[i] & 0xff;
return newBytes;
public String toHex(int[] hex){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int b : hex) {
if(Integer.toHexString(b).length() == 1){
sb.append("0" + Integer.toHexString(b));
return sb.toString();
public String hexToBin(String hex){
String toReturn = new BigInteger(hex, 16).toString(2);
return String.format("%" + (hex.length() * 4) + "s", toReturn).replace(' ', '0');
Changing encoding in Eclipse to ISO-8859-1 helped, but I lose some signs while reading text from a file.
Problem solved by changing the way of reading file.
Now, I read it byte by byte and parse it to char. Before, it was line by line.
Now, I read it byte by byte and parse it to char.
Before, it was line by line and this is how I lost some chars.