Okay so here is my problem. After I push a variable onto the stack and then create room for the local variable. How do I use DumpMem to display the stack before I return from the procedure?
include irvine32.inc
X sdword 10, -10, 20, -20, 30, -30, 40, -40
mov ecx, offset x
push ecx
call StackProcedure
StackProcedure PROC
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 32
lea esi, [ebp-32]
mov ecx, 32
L1: mov BYTE PTR [esi], '*'
inc esi
loop L1
add esp, 32
pop ebp
StackProcedure ENDP
invoke exitProcess,0
end begin
Irvine's DumpMem
needs just three values in registers. Only these registers are attached, everything else (registers, memory, stack) is unchanged when the function returns. So, its use is easy:
include irvine32.inc
X sdword 10, -10, 20, -20, 30, -30, 40, -40
StackProcedure PROC
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 32
lea esi, [ebp-32]
mov ecx, 32
L1: mov BYTE PTR [esi], '*'
inc esi
loop L1
mov esi, esp ; Start address
mov ecx, 48 ; Number of bytes to dump
mov ebx, 1 ; 1 - size byte
call DumpMem ; call Irvine's DumpMem
add esp, 32
pop ebp
StackProcedure ENDP
main PROC
mov ecx, offset x
push ecx
call StackProcedure
invoke exitProcess,0
main ENDP
END main
I guess this was not actually asked about. Irvine's DumpMem
shows no addresses except the start address and no equivalent ASCII characters as expected in a disassembler dump. Since it has its own display (title and line feeds) it cannot be embedded between functions that provide that additional information. Here is a function that displays a row of 16 bytes with address, hex values and ASCII characters:
include irvine32.inc
X sdword 10, -10, 20, -20, 30, -30, 40, -40
DumpMemLine PROC C USES EBX ESI, address:PTR ; dumps 16 bytes hex & char
mov eax, address
call WriteHex ; call Irvine's WriteHex (8 hex digits)
mov al, ' '
call WriteChar ; call Irvine's WriteChar (space)
call WriteChar ; call Irvine's WriteChar (space)
mov esi, address
mov ecx, 16
mov al, [esi]
cmp al, 14 ; ASCII code >= 14d?
jae @F ; Yes, can be written unchanged
cmp al, 7 ; ASCII code < 7d?
jb @F ; Yes, can be written unchanged
cmp al, 11 ; ASCII code == 11d?
je @F ; Yes, can be written unchanged
cmp al, 12 ; ASCII code == 12d?
je @F ; Yes, can be written unchanged
mov al, ' ' ; Replace characters that `WriteChar` will "cook" (7,8,9,10,13)
@@: ; This is label where the `jcond @F` jump to
mov ebx, 1 ; Two hex digits
call WriteHexB ; call Irvine's WriteHexB
mov al, ' '
call WriteChar ; call Irvine's WriteChar (space)
inc esi
loop L1
call WriteChar ; call Irvine's WriteChar (space)
mov esi, address
mov ecx, 16
mov al, [esi]
call WriteChar ; call Irvine's WriteChar
inc esi
loop @B
mov al, 10
call WriteChar ; call Irvine's WriteChar (line feed)
DumpMemLine ENDP
StackProcedure PROC
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 32
lea esi, [ebp-32]
mov ecx, 32
L1: mov BYTE PTR [esi], '*'
inc esi
loop L1
mov esi, esp ; Start address
mov ecx, 48 ; Number of bytes to dump
mov ebx, 1 ; 1 - size byte
call DumpMem ; call Irvine's DumpMem
; Dump three lines à 16 bytes
push esp ; Argument for DumpMemLine
call DumpMemLine
add dword ptr [esp], 16 ; Increment the pushed argument
call DumpMemLine
add dword ptr [esp], 16 ; Increment the pushed argument
call DumpMemLine
add esp, 4 ; Clean up the stack
add esp, 32
pop ebp
StackProcedure ENDP
main PROC
mov ecx, offset x
push ecx
call StackProcedure
invoke exitProcess,0
main ENDP
END main