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How to use DumpMem to display Stack in Assembly

Okay so here is my problem. After I push a variable onto the stack and then create room for the local variable. How do I use DumpMem to display the stack before I return from the procedure?


X   sdword   10, -10, 20, -20, 30, -30, 40, -40

mov ecx, offset x
push ecx
call StackProcedure

StackProcedure PROC
        push ebp
        mov ebp, esp
        sub esp, 32
        lea esi, [ebp-32]
        mov ecx, 32
L1:     mov BYTE PTR [esi], '*'
        inc esi
        loop L1
        add esp, 32
        pop ebp
StackProcedure ENDP

invoke exitProcess,0
end begin


  • Irvine's DumpMem needs just three values in registers. Only these registers are attached, everything else (registers, memory, stack) is unchanged when the function returns. So, its use is easy:

        X sdword   10, -10, 20, -20, 30, -30, 40, -40
    StackProcedure PROC
        push ebp
        mov ebp, esp
        sub esp, 32
        lea esi, [ebp-32]
        mov ecx, 32
    L1: mov BYTE PTR [esi], '*'
        inc esi
        loop L1
            mov esi, esp                ; Start address
            mov ecx, 48                 ; Number of bytes to dump
            mov ebx, 1                  ; 1 - size byte
            call DumpMem                ; call Irvine's DumpMem
        add esp, 32
        pop ebp
    StackProcedure ENDP
    main PROC
        mov ecx, offset x
        push ecx
        call StackProcedure
        invoke exitProcess,0
    main ENDP
    END main

    I guess this was not actually asked about. Irvine's DumpMem shows no addresses except the start address and no equivalent ASCII characters as expected in a disassembler dump. Since it has its own display (title and line feeds) it cannot be embedded between functions that provide that additional information. Here is a function that displays a row of 16 bytes with address, hex values and ASCII characters:

        X sdword   10, -10, 20, -20, 30, -30, 40, -40
    DumpMemLine PROC C USES EBX ESI, address:PTR      ; dumps 16 bytes hex & char
        mov eax, address
        call WriteHex               ; call Irvine's WriteHex (8 hex digits)
        mov al, ' '
        call WriteChar              ; call Irvine's WriteChar (space)
        call WriteChar              ; call Irvine's WriteChar (space)
        mov esi, address
        mov ecx, 16
        mov al, [esi]
        cmp al, 14                  ; ASCII code >= 14d?
        jae @F                      ; Yes, can be written unchanged
        cmp al, 7                   ; ASCII code < 7d?
        jb @F                       ; Yes, can be written unchanged
        cmp al, 11                  ; ASCII code == 11d?
        je @F                       ; Yes, can be written unchanged
        cmp al, 12                  ; ASCII code == 12d?
        je @F                       ; Yes, can be written unchanged
        mov al, ' '                 ; Replace characters that `WriteChar` will "cook" (7,8,9,10,13)
        @@:                         ; This is label where the `jcond @F` jump to
        mov ebx, 1                  ; Two hex digits
        call WriteHexB              ; call Irvine's WriteHexB
        mov al, ' '
        call WriteChar              ; call Irvine's WriteChar (space)
        inc esi
        loop L1
        call WriteChar              ; call Irvine's WriteChar (space)
        mov esi, address
        mov ecx, 16
        mov al, [esi]
        call WriteChar              ; call Irvine's WriteChar
        inc esi
        loop @B
        mov al, 10
        call WriteChar              ; call Irvine's WriteChar (line feed)
    DumpMemLine ENDP
    StackProcedure PROC
        push ebp
        mov ebp, esp
        sub esp, 32
        lea esi, [ebp-32]
        mov ecx, 32
    L1: mov BYTE PTR [esi], '*'
        inc esi
        loop L1
            mov esi, esp                ; Start address
            mov ecx, 48                 ; Number of bytes to dump
            mov ebx, 1                  ; 1 - size byte
            call DumpMem                ; call Irvine's DumpMem
            ; Dump three lines à 16 bytes
            push esp                    ; Argument for DumpMemLine
            call DumpMemLine
            add dword ptr [esp], 16     ; Increment the pushed argument
            call DumpMemLine
            add dword ptr [esp], 16     ; Increment the pushed argument
            call DumpMemLine
            add esp, 4                  ; Clean up the stack
        add esp, 32
        pop ebp
    StackProcedure ENDP
    main PROC
        mov ecx, offset x
        push ecx
        call StackProcedure
        invoke exitProcess,0
    main ENDP
    END main