I finally found out that I import a header file which has indirect import for the JSONModel.h
Today I tried AppCode and it gives me some hint that some import is useless.
I found out that it seems that some subclasses of [JSONModel][1]
can omit import statement of its own header file in the implementation file (.m
file) and compile successfully.
For example:
#import "JSONModel.h"
@interface TestModel : JSONModel
+ (JSONKeyMapper *)keyMapperWithJsonToModelDic:(NSDictionary *)jsonToModelDic;
@implementation TestModel
+ (JSONKeyMapper *)keyMapperWithJsonToModelDic:(NSDictionary *)jsonToModelDic {
return jsonToModelDic;
So when can I omit the import statement?
Because of the Prefix header file (ProjectName-Prefix.pch
) which contains the necessary system header files and is applied to all implementation files by Xcode.