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cappedMax not working in winston-mongodb logger in Node.js on Ubuntu

I have created a logger in Node.js using the winston module and added MongoDB transport by requiring winston-mongodb module with the following options:

  db: config.db[k.DB_ENV.AUTHOR],
  username: config.dbUser,
  password: config.dbPassword,
  collection: 'log-aggregation',
  storeHost: true,
  capped: true,
  cappedMax: 10 // documents

I expect the logger to create a new collection for every 10 documents. But the logger continue logging in the same collection. I commented the collection: 'log-aggregation' line to check if the options are really working and then it began to log to the default 'log' collection.

So where is my mistake? Is there a minimum no of document size to the cappedMax option? I tried this with cappedSize option also with 10 to 1000 values, still the new collections are not created.

I want to know the minimum and maximum permissible value for cappedSize and cappedMax option?

I also want to know what will be the name of new collections created?


  • This is what I use to get multiple logs:

    var winston = require('winston');
        transports : [
                db : 'mongodb://',
                collection : 'userLog',
                capped : true
        transports : [
                db : 'mongodb://',                collection : 'profileLog',
                capped : true

    And it works fine with no observable latency.

    P.S. You can add all the options you want after or before capped:true

    Have fun!