In my Elm program I would like to have some keyboard shortcuts.
I have a shortcut d
which does what I want, however, I want the key combination to be alt+d
StartApp.start {
init = (emptyModel, Effects.none),
view = view,
update = update,
inputs = [ forwardKey Keyboard.presses]
forwardKey : Int -> Action
forwardKey keyCode =
case (Char.fromCode keyCode) of
'd' -> Add
_ -> NoOp
I noticed that there is a keyboard.alt signal that returns Signal Bool
to check if alt is pressed or not.
How can I apply change the shortcut from d
to alt+d
by using this signal?
See this answer to the same underlying question.
Note that it's going to be difficult to impossible to capture Alt-D since that's a common key combination used by browsers. For example, Chrome shifts focus to the address bar when you press Alt-D. For this reason, I'll revert to the example above and use Alt-0 as the chord here:
You can use map2
to create a new Boolean signal that tells if your key combination is pressed. We'll create a new signal called chordPressed
like so:
chordPressed : Signal Bool
chordPressed =
Signal.map2 (&&) Keyboard.alt (Keyboard.isDown <| Char.toCode '0')
Now, we need to convert that signal to an Action before we can pass it into the inputs
chordToAction : Signal Action
chordToAction =
toAction b =
case b of
True -> Add
False -> NoOp
<| toAction chordPressed
Now, you can pass chordToAction
into the inputs
list. Again, you might want to choose a key-chord that isn't going to be first caught by the browser, like Alt-D will.
inputs = [ chordToAction ]