In Jmeter I am trying to get a value out of a variable from the url using the Regular Expression Extractor. I am also using the BeanShell Sampler to get the value out of the variable and print it out to the log file. I can then see in the log file what value I am getting.
I don't think my Regular Expression Extractor setting is correct I am getting the following error from my BeanShell Script:
Response code: 500
Response message: org.apache.jorphan.util.JMeterException: Error invoking bsh method: eval In file: inline evaluation of: ``String session_ID = vars.get("sessionID");"session_ID = " + session_I . . . '' Encountered "vars" at line 4, column 1.
An example URL I have is:
I would like to get the value from the variable PTID and output it to the log file. I can then use the value in other Http requests when i need to.
My BeanShell Sampler script is:
String session_ID = vars.get("sessionID");"session_ID = " + session_ID)
vars.put("sessionID", session_ID);
My Regular Expression Extractor is:
Field to check = URL is ticked
Reference Name = sessionID
Regular Expression = PTID="(.+?)"
Template = $1$
Match No. (0 for Random): 1
Default value = session id not found
My Test Plan set up is as follows:
Test Plan
--Thread Group
----Http Request Default
----Http Header Manager
----Recording Controller
------Http Request
------Regular Expression Extractor
------BeanShell Sampler
------more Http Requests
----Access Log Sampler
----View Results Tree
Also nothing is being written to the log file when i run the script.
Access Log Sampler the log file location is to:
E:\RL Fusion\projects\JMeter\apache-jmeter-2.13\jmeter.log
In the View Results Tree for the Http Request I can see there is a PTID value in the Response data Tab. My regular expression extractor is not getting this value out.
I am new to JMeter, If i have anything in the wrong order please do let me know. Thanks,
My expectation is that something is wrong with your Beanshell script. Most likely you're missing a semicolon at the end of statement on 3rd line.
To get to the bottom of a problem in Beanshell script you can use the following approaches:
directive to your Beanshell script (make it first line). It will trigger debug output to console window where you launched JMeter fromPut your Beanshell code into "try" block like:
try {
// your code here
catch (Throwable ex) {
log.error("Problem in Beanshell", ex);
throw ex;
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component article for more information on Beanshell scripting in JMeter.