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App start breaks, when Mobile Quality Assurance Cordova Plugin?

My MFP Cordova Ionic Hybrid Andriod App Breaks, when MQA Session starts. (Using MQA Bluemix)

Who has the same behavior?

I do not use the doDeviceReady function, because is not needed for the app. I tried it first but is not fired in my app, so the mfp Cordova integration like written in Installing the Mobile Quality Assurance plug-in for Apache Cordova not needed.

I use my Android Nexus 9 for running the hybrid application. Android 5.0.1 Kernel-Version 3.10.40-ga3846f1


a) I changed the MQA session code a bit and I used the MQA Session Start in wlCommonInit() in index.js. I tried to run it on a real anroid device.

{ // Options
      mode: "QA", // or mode: "MARKET" for production mode.
      android: {
                 appKey: "XXX" ,
                 notificationsEnabled: false
      ios:     {
                 appKey: "XXX" ,
                 screenShotsFromGallery: false,
      //serverURL: "" , // The default value is the IBM Bluemix server.
      //defaultUser: "email_address", // The mail address of the tester so it does not have to be repepeatedly entered.
      machExceptionEnabled: false, // Ensure debugging mode is not on when this
                                   //  value is set to true.
      reportOnShakeEnabled: true  // Enable problem reporting with a shake.
 }, successMQA, errorMQA);

 function successMQA() {
 console.log("MQA Session Started successfully");

 function errorMQA(error) {
  console.log("MQA Session error" + error);

I do not have the ability to provide additional debugging or log because it breaks directly, before the "chrome inspect device" can show any interaction.

I followed mostly the instruction here:

MQA Cordova Integration: Installing the Mobile Quality Assurance plug-in for Apache Cordova

Verified information here: MFP Integration with Cordova: Integrating IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation SDK in Cordova applications


  • I was able to get the MFP project working by including the MQA.startNewSession in the wlCommonInit function.