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alasql export to excel saving in html format

enter image description here

In IE9 I get this above window before saving though by clicking save the file is being saved as FILENAME.xls. Also when I try to open the saved file it gives me this below popup message though I can continue by clicking yes

enter image description here

Is there anyway that I can avoid this?


  • The second part(The warning popup) can be avoided by doing this below

    Insert this key in your registry to suppress the notification:
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Excel\Security] “ExtensionHardening”=dword:00000000
    You can accomplish the above by doing the following:
    1.  Open your Registry (Start -> Run -> regedit.exe)
    3.  Right click in the right window and choose New -> DWORD
    4.  Type “ExtensionHardening” as the name (without the quotes)
    5.  Verify that the data has the value “0″