Suppose I have the following dataframe in R and I am looking to split the dataframe into separate Excel sheets categorised by the Fruit column
| Fruit | Price |
| Apple | 12 |
| Apple | 14 |
| Apple | 15 |
| Orange | 2 |
| Orange | 4 |
| Orange | 6 |
| Pear | 3 |
| Pear | 6 |
| Pear | 9 |
After splitting the dataframe into 3 separate dataframes (Apple, Orange and Pear), I intend to export each dataframe into a separate Excel sheets (named Apple, Orange and Pear) but stored within the same Excel workbook Out.xlsx
. However, the below R code does not work. The output is an Excel workbook Out.xlsx
with only a single sheet, Pear, containing the Pear dataframe.
df <- read_excel("Export excel test.xlsx")
output <- split(df, df$Fruit)
for (i in 1:length(output)){write.xlsx(x = output[i],
file = "Out.xlsx", sheetName = names(output[i]),append = TRUE)}
Would anyone be able to help on this? My actual dataframe has over 4 million rows, hence I need to split the dataframe into separate sheets to circumvent Excel's row limitations
It looks like you are using commands from the xlsx package.
The xlsx package also provides the write.xlsx
function, which allows you to append to an existing workbook.
write.xlsx(subset(iris, subset=Species=="setosa"),
file="iris.xlsx", sheetName = "setosa")
write.xlsx(subset(iris, subset=Species=="versicolor"),
file="iris.xlsx", sheetName = "versicolor", append=TRUE)
write.xlsx(subset(iris, subset=Species=="virginica"),
file="iris.xlsx", sheetName = "virginica", append=TRUE)
The openxlsx package does this slightly differently. Here I'll use a loop instead.
output <- split(iris, iris$Species)
wb <- createWorkbook()
for (i in 1:length(output)) {
addWorksheet(wb, sheetName=names(output[i]))
writeData(wb, sheet=names(output[i]), x=output[[i]]) # Note [[]]
saveWorkbook(wb, "iris.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)