I need the username/password to be scrambled at the client-side before sending it over via HTTP GET/POST. And the server will decode it with Tcl, before the checks against database.
Currently I'm thinking about using JavaScript for the client-side. Java Applet will also do.
Is there any way, that I can easily achieve it, using Simple XOR or any other methods? (Examples would be much appreciated)
I've found the few samples in C/Python/.NET/Java... But not in JavaScript and Tcl.
SSL is not an option to use, sadly.
If ssl is not an option, then I suggest the following scheme, which many sites use instead of SSL:
Here is a suggestion on how to calculate the hash using MD5:
package require md5
proc calculateHash {user password salt} {
return md5:md5 -hex "$user:$salt:$password"
How to use it:
set user "johnny"
set password "begood2mama"
set salt "myDog_is_meaner_than_yourDog"
set hash [calculateHash $user $password $salt]