I have the following code:
template<typename T> void computeFractalDimensionData(RandomWalkMethods::LatticeType latticeType, gsl_rng* randNumGen) {
int nD = 0;
// if T is of type std::pair<int,int> then set no. of dimensions to 2
if (typeid(T) == typeid(std::pair<int, int>)) {
nD = 2;
// else if T is of type RWM::Triple<int,int,int> then set no. of dimensions to 3
else if (typeid(T) == typeid(RandomWalkMethods::Triple<int, int, int>)) {
nD = 3;
else {
// Create vector of T structs to store DLA structure results
std::vector<T> aggResults;
// Initialise particle spawning type and attractor type for DLA system
RandomWalkMethods::ParticleSpawnType spawn = RandomWalkMethods::CONSTANT_RANDOM_BOUNDINGBOX_EDGE;
RandomWalkMethods::AttractorDLAType attractor = RandomWalkMethods::POINT;
// Under-estimate for fractal dimension of the DLA
const double fractalDimUnderestimateRecip = 1 / 1.65;
for (int i = 100; i <= 1000; i += 100) {
// initialise spawnDiameter using: exp(log(n)/fDUR) = n^{1/fDUR}
int spawnDiam = 2*static_cast<int>(std::pow(i, fractalDimUnderestimateRecip));
// if system is 2-dimensional, compute DLA for 2D on given lattice
if (nD == 2) {
aggResults = RandomWalkMethods::diffusionLimitedAggregateRandomWalk2D(i, spawn, spawnDiam, latticeType, randNumGen, attractor);
// else if system is 3 dimensional, compute DLA for 3D on given lattice
else if (nD == 3) {
aggResults = RandomWalkMethods::diffusionLimitedAggregateRandomWalk3D(i, spawn, spawnDiam, latticeType, randNumGen, attractor);
// compute the minimum bounding radius which encloses all particles in the DLA structure
double boundingRadius = std::sqrt(maxMagnitudeVectorOfMultiples< double, T >(aggResults));
which I may call with a statement such as
computeFractalDimensionData< std::pair<int,int> >(lattice, randNumGen);
computeFractalDimensionData< RandomWalkMethods::Triple<int,int,int> >(lattice, randNumGen);
where Triple
is simply a struct I defined with 3 elements (essentially the same as std::pair
but extended for 3 fields). Also, the functions diffusionLimitedAggregateRandomWalk2D
and diffusionLimitedAggregateRandomWalk3D
return types of std::vector<std::pair<int,int>>
and std::vector<Triple<int,int,int>>
The issue is that when I call with either statement above I get the following errors (occurring at the assignment statements aggResults = ...
binary '=': no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'std::vector<std::pair<int,int>,std::allocator<_Ty>>' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
and similarly for the case of Triple<int,int,int>
. From what I understand, this implies that I'd need an overloaded assignment operator for these 2 structs - however I do not think that is the issue here as the following statement has been used correctly before in my program:
std::vector< std::pair<int,int> > aggResults = RandomWalkMethods::diffusionLimitedAggregateRandomWalk2D(nParticles, boundingBox, spawnDiam, latticeType, randNumGen, attractor, &diffLimAggFile);
So I know that I can assign the result of the DLA methods to variables of the correct type however the compiler complains if I try it through the use of passing a type to a template function as was shown above.
What is happening here and how would I go about solving this issue?
This comes from the fact that
aggResults = diffusionLimitedAggregateRandomWalk2D(i, spawn, spawnDiam, latticeType, randNumGen, attractor);
with aggResults
being a std::vector<T>
is compiled even if T
is Triple<int, int, int>
but diffusionLimitedAggregateRandomWalk2D
returns a std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>
Suggested solution : declare a templated function and specialize it for some T
template<typename T>
void computeFractalDimensionData(RandomWalkMethods::LatticeType latticeType, gsl_rng* randNumGen);
void computeFractalDimensionData<std::pair<int, int>>(RandomWalkMethods::LatticeType latticeType, gsl_rng* randNumGen)
// ...
void computeFractalDimensionData<Triple<int, int, int>>(RandomWalkMethods::LatticeType latticeType, gsl_rng* randNumGen)
// ...
It makes more readable code and fails to compile the following line with a helping compilation error:
computeFractalDimensionData<void>(lattice, randNumGen);