What is the algorithm for storing the pixels in a spiral in JS?
var Spiral = function(a) {
Spiral.prototype = {
_a: 0.5,
constructor: Spiral,
initialize: function( a ) {
if (a != null) this._a = a;
/* specify the increment in radians */
points: function( rotations, increment ) {
var maxAngle = Math.PI * 2 * rotations;
var points = new Array();
for (var angle = 0; angle <= maxAngle; angle = angle + increment)
points.push( this._point( angle ) );
return points;
_point: function( t ) {
var x = this._a * t * Math.cos(t);
var y = this._a * t * Math.sin(t);
return { X: x, Y: y };
var spiral = new Spiral(0.3);
var points = spiral.points( 2, 0.01 );
Sample implementation at http://myweb.uiowa.edu/timv/spiral.htm