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display slide number orbit.js foundation 6 zurb

I am currently working with orbit.js slider in Foundation 6 and not seeing an option to display slide number.

Could you advice me on this or share examples please.



  • Here's an example using jQuery that will change the innerHTML propery of an element with the class .slide-number to the active slide number, and log the active slide number to the console every time the slide changes.

    function slideNumber() {
      var $slides = $('.orbit-slide');
      var $activeSlide = $slides.filter('.is-active');
      var activeNum = $slides.index($activeSlide) + 1;
      $('.slide-number').innerHTML = activeNum;
    $('[data-orbit]').on('slidechange.zf.orbit', slideNumber);

    Credit: I came up with this answer with the help of this SO post.