What to select in catalog in platform builder to include SQL CE in image for windows CE.
I have selected Application and Services Development->Sql Compact but it is still giving following error.
File or assembly name "system.data.sqlserverce version=, culture..." or one of its dependencies, was not found
While digging further found While digging further found Link
Now the question is how to add support for SPI_GETPLATFORMNAME in your platform.
Regarding your second question:
You need to P/Invoke SystemParameterInfo
from Coredll.dll. For examples on how to do this or maybe even an implementation, you can check:
Be aware that the product name is up to the OEM to fill in and not all OEMs do that.
Regarding the SQLCe - I am not certain that it is included with PB. You might need to install the CAB file seperately, but, again, I am not sure of this.