I'm attempting to learn the react way of working with meteor and running into a pretty crucial, yet pretty basic problem. I'm trying to subscribe to some data, and then render that as a react component, and use react-template-helper
to display that component.
As soon as I try to render that component I get the following errors in the console.
Exception from Tracker afterFlush function: undefined
findOne is not a function
find is not a function
My app template:
<template name="appLayout">
<nav class="fixed">
<ul class="centered">
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<ul class="social">
<li><a href=""><i class="icon"></i></a></li>
<li><a href=""><i class="icon"></i></a></li>
{{> Template.dynamic template=yield}}
<template name="home">
<section class="home-hero">
{{> React component=homeContent}}
My react/meteor view logic:
Template.home.onCreated( function() {
let template = this;
template.autorun( function() {
homeContent = React.createClass({
mixins: [ReactMeteorData],
getMeteorData() {
return {
homeData: homeContent.find({}).fetch()
return (
<div className="units-container">
<div className="units-row centered-content stacked">
<h1>site name</h1>
homeContent() {
return homeContent
My router:
FlowRouter.route('/', {
action() {
BlazeLayout.render('appLayout', {
yield: 'home'
name: 'home'
My server publication:
Meteor.publish('homecontent', function(){
return homeContent.find();
I'm using the following packages to try and achieve react components through blaze: ecmascript, react, kadira:flow-router, kadira:blaze-layout, react-template-helper.
Of note, if I simply remove mixins
and getMeteorData
from my jsx file, everything renders fine and mini-mongo acts normally from the console.
Very simple mistake. at the line homeData: homeContent.find({}).fetch()
the call homeContent
refers to the react class I just made, not the collection I'm looking for.
The fix for this specific error is homeContent = React.createClass({
becomes homeComponent = React.createClass({