I have a class VarStream that I would like to register like
stream_wrapper_register('var', 'VarStream');
Our classes are always namespaced, so I've tried
stream_wrapper_register('var', '\OurSpace\VarStream');
with no luck.
Can I use namespacing when registering a stream wrapper?
Yes you can. You need to provide the FQCN (Fully-Qualified-Class-Name) of the stream wrapper class.
You might think that in the code you provided you have it already:
stream_wrapper_register('var', '\OurSpace\VarStream');
But that is not the case as the FQCN never starts with the back-slash "\
Instead use (just) the class-name of that class:
stream_wrapper_register('var', 'OurSpace\VarStream');
Normally the leading backslash is not necessary. In this case even, it prevents proper use. It is not part of the (fully-qualified) class-name. This is normally always the case when you pass class-names as string parameters.