I use Twitter anomaly detection algorithm in my project. For this purpose I use Rserve library to run R code in my Java application.
My Java code:
RConnection connection = new RConnection();
connection.eval("res <- AnomalyDetectionTs(data.frame(/*list of timestamps*/,/*list of values*/), direction='both', plot=FALSE, longterm=TRUE)");
And, as a result, I got this output:
timestamp anoms
1 1980-09-25 16:05:00 21.3510
2 1980-09-29 06:40:00 193.1036
3 1980-09-29 21:44:00 148.1740
To get results now I'm using this not nice solution:
Then I open this file in Java and parse the results.
So, how to get the output results in Java using Rserve possibilities for data.frame structure?
Simply write the R command such that it returns the desired result back to Java:
RList l = c.eval("AnomalyDetectionTs(data, direction='both',
plot=FALSE, longterm=TRUE)$anoms").asList();
What you get is the data frame (as a list) with the two variables timestamp
and anoms
However, AnomalyDetectionTs
returns dates in a horribly annoying and inefficient format so you may want to actually return a more sane result which is easier to work with in Java, e.g.:
RList l = c.eval("{ res <- AnomalyDetectionTs(data, direction='both', plot=FALSE,
list(as.POSIXct(res$timestamp), res$anoms) }").asList();
double ts[] = l.at(0).asDoubles();
double anom[] = l.at(1).asDoubles();
for (int i = 0; i < ts.length; i++)
System.out.println(new java.util.Date((long)(ts[i]*1000.0)) + ": " + anom[i]);
PS: the right place for Rserve questions is the stats-rosuda-devel mailing list which will give you answers much faster.