I am creating a method called setState and I want to use binary operators for it, but I want to create something to check if the passed argument is a constant defined in the class:
public static final int STATE1 = 0b1;
public static final int STATE2 = 0b10;
public static final int STATE3 = 0b100;
public void setState(int stateType, boolean state){
this.state |= stateType;
this.state &= ~stateType;
So when I type setState(10, false) it will say: Wrong argument type, found x, required y
you only want stateType to be one of STATE1, STATE2, or STATE3? You could use an enum defined in that class. Something like:
public class MyClass{
public enum State{
STATE1 (0b1),
public final int value;
State(int value){
this.value = value;
public void setState(State stateType, boolean state){
this.state |= stateType.value;
this.state &= ~stateType.value;