How to issue request
PUT /user/someuser1
and parse result in browser?
Note that AJAX
solution in this answer does something different: it passes the answer to closure function, while I need synchronous solution, i.e. pass the answer to entire browser window.
Like the following code
location.href = '/user/someuser1';
does with GET
I did the following way:
<script type="text/javascript">
function execute2() {
url = '/user/' +$('#screenname2').val();
url: url,
method: 'GET', // PUT
converters: {"text json": window.String}
function(http) {;
window.history.pushState(null, "New User", url);
<p>PUT /user/<input type="text" value="someuser1" id="screenname2"> <input type="button" value="Go" onclick="execute2()"></p>
Used GET
for test purposes.
Unfortunately, my service returns JSON
and it displays differently than if I get it with location.href
: in my case it shows as plain text, while if location.href
it displays with indentation.
Also, I can't navigate back to initial page -- it changes address in address bar, but not shows the content of referrer page...
HTML doesn't provide any means to make a PUT request, only GET and POST.
The only way to make one is with JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest. Then the only way you can handle the response you get is to process it with JavaScript.
Therefore, the closest you can come is to: