I'm trying to use Ember FastBoot
for my application but when I run:
ember fastboot --serve-assets
this error is thrown:
Cannot read property 'userAgent' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'userAgent' of undefined
at Object.125.global/document (<anonymous>:121923:53)
at s (<anonymous>:104896:621)
at <anonymous>:104896:672
at Object.106../big-play-button.js (<anonymous>:113849:23)
at s (<anonymous>:104896:621)
at <anonymous>:104896:672
at Object.139.../../src/js/utils/merge-options.js (<anonymous>:123824:15)
at s (<anonymous>:104896:621)
at e (<anonymous>:104896:792)
at <anonymous>:104896:810
any help?
The repo you posted contains a number of references to document
and window
. You will have to use the ember provided facility for detecting the current environment
details and implement conditional logic based on whether your pages are being rendered in the browser or not. You can use environment.hasDOM
to perform that check.