When I try to call D3D12GetDebugInterface or CreateDXGIFactory2 with the flag DXGI_CREATE_FACTORY_DEBUG, the calls are failing on my laptop, but not on my desktop. Other calls work fine on the laptop and I can render stuff -- I just can't initialize the debug layer. The desktop has an oldish GeForce 650 Ti, and the laptop is a Dell XPS15 laptop (latest gen), which has a GeForce GTX 960M. Both have the latest drivers (361.43). Any ideas what could be going wrong?
I posted on the NVIDIA devtalk forum first, but cross-posted to stackoverflow because the official NVIDIA forum seems pretty dead.
For Direct3D 12, both the debug layer and the WARP12 device are part of the Graphics Tools feature-on-demand which is not part of the default install. You need to enable it on your desktop system.
This FOD package is specific to your version of Windows 10. If you had it enabled but then upgrade the OS (say from 10240 to 10586) the existing Graphics Tools feature-on-demand is disabled. You need to re-enable it so the newer matching version can be installed.