Search code examples

Nest ElasticSearch: Boolean Search using Nested Query and Nested Objects

I am using Nest Elastic and building the query for a Boolean search using Head plugin , i am combining multiple queries

Notes about DB Structure and Elastic Mapping

  1. Each document in the database is linked to specific profileId which in turn has multiple attributes
  2. Each document has multiple attribute values associated with it

In this query, i am trying to get all documents which has specific profile and attribute value > 30 keeping in mind that this attribute should have the attribute Id 2 only.

The SQL Query:

Select av.*, from document d inner join attributeValue av on d.DocumentId = av.DocumentId where d.profileid = 1 and av.AttributeId = 2 and av.Intvalue >30

Elastic Query

   { "query": {
    "bool": {
    "must": [
       "term": { "Document.profileid": "1"  }
      "term": {"Document.lstChildren.AttributeID": "2" }
      "range": { "Document.lstChildren.IntValue": { "gt": "30"} }
    "match_all": { }
    "must_not": [ ],
    "should": [ ]
    },   "from": 0, "size": 10, "sort": [ ], "facets": { }


The result also contains a document that has the following attribute values

  1. Attribute value = 3 and attributeId = 2 (the value is < 30)
  2. Attribute value = 34 but with attributeId different than 2 (incorrect)

This document must not be included as it doesn't satisfy my needs.

How can i build this query?


  • The Solution is to change the mapping first by making lstChildren a nested object. Then using nested query will ensure that all conditions are met as specified. The nested query below specifies two conditions that returns only expected results, but i used "Equal" instead of "greater than" for the "IntValue" in order keep it simple:

      "query": {
        "nested": {
          "path": "lstChildren",
          "query": {
            "bool": {
              "must": [
                  "match": {
                  "match": {
                    "lstChildren.IntValue": "31"