I'm working on Qt 4.8.5. I'm using a QWizard structure with its QWizardPages (lets name them wp1, wp2, wp3,...). I need to pass one value from wp2 to wp4 but every time I try it, I get an empty string :( The value I need is on a variable (QString sVar;) so not a widget and I've tried some things:
but ofcourse when i go to wp4 and try to qDebug()<< "data: " << field("myField").toString();
it is empty.Q_PROPERTY sData READ getData() WRITE setDATA()
and then with registerField("myfield, this, ...
and here I have a problem because i expect sData to apear but it doesn't.So... any idea about how can I achieve this using registerField (I know I can also create my own slot and signal, emit it from wp2 and catch it up on wp4 but I would like to avoid it if possible)
Added the solution:
Class A.h:
class ClassA: public QWizardPage
QString getAP() const {return AP;}
void setAP(QString s){AP=s;};
QString AP;
Class A constructor:
registerField("AP_field",this, "sAP", SIGNAL(APChanged()));
Class A ::initializePage() function:
case 0 :...
case 1:
emit APChanged();
And then in Class B (Where you need to know that data):
qDebug() << " AP QPROPERTY = " <<field ("AP_Field").toString();
According to the docs:
When we create a field using QWizardPage::registerField(), we pass a unique field name and a widget. We can also provide a Qt property name and a "changed" signal (a signal that is emitted when the property changes) as third and fourth arguments; however, this is not necessary for the most common Qt widgets, such as QLineEdit, QCheckBox, and QComboBox, because QWizard knows which properties to look for.
So you still need a signal, but Qt will handle necessary connections for you and will catch your new value as you change it. You have to register like this:
registerField("myField", this, "myProperty", SIGNAL(myPropertyChanged()));
Then you have to remember to emit the signal each time you change your variable, and of course register it as a property.