I have to consume an API RESTful web service. At the moment I have to deal with a JSON object which looks like:
["USD","US Dollar","11,696", "connected"],
And this is the class I use in general to hold most endpoints of this web service:
public class Response {
public boolean success;
private String error;
private String message;
private List<Map<Integer, Array>> data;
public String getError() {
return this.error;
public String getMessage() {
return this.message;
public Map<Integer,Array> getData() {
return this.data.get(0);
When running, app crashes with:
Could not read JSON: Can not deserialize instance of java.util.LinkedHashMap
out of START_ARRAY token
I ended up figuring out that what i need is just:
private List<ArrayList<String>> data;
Worked like a charm.