I am working on Instagram User API. 'self' API works fine, but '{user_id}' does not work.
Here is their API DOC. https://www.instagram.com/developer/endpoints/users/
This is my ajax code to get user information.
function setInstagramLogin(btnId, userId){
var target = document.getElementById(btnId);
var user = (userId == null || typeof userId == 'undefined') ? 'self' : userId;
target.addEventListener('click', function(){
var loginUrl = 'https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/' + user + '/?callback=?';
$.getJSON(loginUrl, access_parameters, function(instagramData){
var userInfo = instagramData.data;
alert('Your Information\n username [ ' + userInfo.username + ' ]\n'
+ 'profile Photo [ ' + userInfo.profile_picture + ' ]\n');
}, false);
And from jsp, I call like ...
setInstagramLogin('loginBtn', 'jygood');
The first one, call 'self' works, the other does not. How can I fix this?
The error happens inside of callback jQuery I guess. Here is chrome inspector error
GET https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/jygood/?callback=jQuery21109406823019962…s_token=211611405.1677ed0.4e0e854196454874b858e21c293b919d&_=1450936187539
send @ jquery-2.1.1.min.js:4
n.extend.ajax @ jquery-2.1.1.min.js:4
n.(anonymous function) @ jquery-2.1.1.min.js:4
n.extend.getJSON @ jquery-2.1.1.min.js:4
(anonymous function) @ instagram.js:29
line29 is $.getJSON()
part of first script.
the + user +
should be an id
not instagram username
looks like you are using jygood
username instead of user_id
, it should be an integer value