I use standard Maven directory structure for my project
- src
- main
- java
- resources
- webapp
- test
- java
- resources
- target
Now I want to use Thrift and gRPC but I don't know where should I put IDL files and where to put generated code? Is there any "standard" or "best practices" suggestion? Thank you for help!
you put the AIDL files in the 'exact' same package as you want your generated files to be (with respect to package), You put the AIDL files in your src/ tree and the 'generated' files will be in the 'generated' tree.
By doing this, the generated files will be in the 'org.whatever.project.services.aidl' package
Here is a good guide. http://developer.android.com/guide/components/aidl.html
Here is an example application: https://github.com/douglascraigschmidt/POSA-15/tree/502d9db2cbd90de3f4de0ed1bb74750004f47f06/ex/AcronymExpander/src/vandy/mooc/model/aidl