In this code I got the amount of all persons. This worked.
Now I want to get one random person from all person, but this doesn't work. I get an Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException
at the line using (person)
Sorry for my English.
Here the code:
dynamic document = (JSObject)webControl1.ExecuteJavascriptWithResult("document.getElementsByClassName(\"badge\")[1]");
using (document)
string gg = document.innerHTML;
personcount = Convert.ToInt16(gg);
int selectperson = rnd.Next(0, personcount-1);
dynamic document2 = (JSObject)webControl1.ExecuteJavascriptWithResult("document.getElementsByTagName('a')");
using (document2)
dynamic person = document2.getElementByClassName("name")[selectperson];
using (person)
and here is the HTML Tag from an example person:
<a class="name" href="" rel="nofollow">
I didnt found out how I can do this. But i found another way now everything is working thanks! :)
dynamic document = (JSObject)webControl1.ExecuteJavascriptWithResult("document.getElementsByClassName(\"badge\")[1]");
string gg = document.innerText;
personcount = Convert.ToInt16(gg);
int odd = rnd.Next(1, personcount * 2);
for (int i = 0;odd % 2 == 0;i++)
odd = rnd.Next(1, personcount * 2);
dynamic document2 = (JSObject)webControl1.ExecuteJavascriptWithResult("document.getElementsByClassName('name')["+odd+"]");
using (document2)
if (document2.HasMethod("click"))
stepcount = 2;