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Show different suffix in Google Piechart

I have a piechart showing the result the total bandwidth of uplink/downlink.

Right now, their suffix is GB.

enter image description here

I am trying to display their suffix differently. Example,

  • Downlink in GB
  • Uplink in KB.

I have


function drawChart() {


  var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
    ['Task', 'Bandwith'],
    ['Downlink', ({{$t_down_bytes}})],
    ['Uplink', ({{$t_up_bytes}})]

  var options = {
    legend: 'buttom',
    pieSliceText: 'value', // text | none
    title: 'Total Bandwith Usage',
    colors: [color['downlink'], color['uplink']],
    height: 400,
    slices: {
      1: {offset: 0.1}


  var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({
    suffix: ' GB'

  formatter.format(data, 1);

  var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('private'));
  chart.draw(data, options);


What can I try next?


  • One way is just doing it yourself: (Correct way to convert size in bytes to KB, MB, GB in Javascript might help)

        var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
          ['Task', 'Bandwith'],
          ['Downlink', {v:6.4672328, f:"6.46 GB"}],
          ['Uplink', {v:9.40213213, f:"9.40 KB"}]

    Note that v is the "real" value google uses to draw and f is the formatted value it will show

    If you want to keep your google formatter, another way is to add this line after your formatter.format(data, 1);


    Which sets the formattedValue of row 1, column 1

    Update taking into account you want to use a mix of both:

    var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
      ['Task', 'Bandwith'],
      ['Downlink', $t_down_bytes],
      ['Uplink', $t_up_bytes],
    var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({
    formatter.format(data, 1);
    data.setFormattedValue(0,1,data.getFormattedValue(0,1) + ' {{$t_down_bytes_suffix}}')
    data.setFormattedValue(1,1,data.getFormattedValue(1,1) + ' {{$t_up_bytes_suffix}}')

    For more info on setFormattedValue and getFormattedValue check

    Google Datatable Documentation