I have a A1 with 2 and a cell A2 with 288. I want to calculate MOD(2^288;2017) but this gives the NUM error.
I also tried using this formula: =number-(INT(number/divisor)*divisor) but this gives 0 as a result when the numbers are too big.
EDIT: not completely duplicate (see my answer for the function in excel), I used this algorithm: How to calculate modulus of large numbers?
Excel might be forcing an integer context on your values. Even an Int64 is not sufficient to handle numbers that large.
You might need a custom VBA function to handle that. If you cast the inputs and outputs as doubles and then brute-forcing the modulus functionality, it should be capable of doing the math.
My problem would be validating the output... I have no idea if this is the right value or not.
Public Function BigMod(ByVal numerator As Double, ByVal denominator As Double) As Double
Dim intval As Double
intval = Int(numerator / denominator)
BigMod = numerator - intval * denominator
End Function
This works on values larger than Mod will handle, but does eventually break.
For instance, 3 followed by 5 sets of 0's will break Mod. 3 followed by 6 sets of 0's will break BigMod.