I have the following code:
struct S
S(): a(42) {}
int a;
class P
P(S const *s): m_s(s ? *s : /*init m_s by default ctor - how to achieve it?*/)
S m_s;
I want m_s
to be initialized either by copy-constructor or by default constructor, depending on pointer s
P p1(nullptr); // expect default ctor: p1.m_s.a = 42
S s;
s.a = 84;
P p2(&s); // expect copy ctor: p2.m_s.a = 84
How can I do it in a most elegant way?
You could just write:
class P {
P(S const *s): m_s(s ? *s : S()){}
S m_s;
You might find it more elegant to extract the conditional to a separate helper function:
S createS(S const *s) {
return s ? *s : S();
This may look like it will perform an unnecessary copy in the case of a nullptr
argument but in practice the compiler will perform RVO and optimize out the copy.