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Saving Converted OCRed File using ABBYY in commandLine

Hi want to integrate ABBYY Fine reader to my custom application i use the commandline FineCMD.exe MyDocument /lang french /send MsWord

It does the OCR process by converting my document and pass it to Msword. I want the FineCMD to Save the converted OCRed word document to a folder How To handle that using commandline argument?

Iam USING ABBYY Fine Reader 12 on Windows 10


  • ABBYY FineReader does not provide command line interface for saving the result from scripting or for batch processing. FineReader is a desktop application intended for UI-driven use and not intended for black-box integration. The fitting ABBYY package for that task is Recognition Server or Engine SDK for true development, which btw has CLEI precompiled sample.

    (Source: I am a former ABBYY dev/support tech and currently an independent ABBYY technology integrator)