Trying to use docker/libkv
which specifies that etcd and consul support TLS using a config.TLS
I'm trying to figure the format of this object.
The etcd go client that libkv uses is here:
but there is no doc about this feature and the code itself has barely any reference to TLS
So my question is 2 parts:
Does anyone know if indeed the coreos/etcd client supports TLS? (I believe it must since docker/libkv uses it and claims to support it, but I'm having some doubts here)
Does anyone have an example of the config.TLS object format?
Thanks for your input
PS: I did ask the question there, but figured I'll post here too.
etcd does support TLS configuration. You can find the documentation for this here:
You can find example code for doing this here:
In particular look for the gettransport function call that sets up the transport with TLS.