Hello i am having a strange issue with my mouse movement in openGL. Here is my code for moving the camera with my mouse
void camera(int x, int y)
GLfloat xoff = x- lastX;
GLfloat yoff = lastY - y; // Reversed since y-coordinates range from bottom to top
lastX = x;
lastY = y;
GLfloat sensitivity = 0.5f;
xoff *= sensitivity;
yoff *= sensitivity;
yaw += xoff; // yaw is x
pitch += yoff; // pitch is y
// Limit up and down camera movement to 90 degrees
if (pitch > 89.0)
pitch = 89.0;
if (pitch < -89.0)
pitch = -89.0;
// Update camera position and viewing angle
Front.x = cos(convertToRads(yaw) * cos(convertToRads(pitch)));
Front.y = sin(convertToRads(pitch));
Front.z = sin(convertToRads(yaw)) * cos(convertToRads(pitch));
convertToRads() is a small function i created to convert the mouse coordinates to rads.
With this code i can move my camera how ever i want but if i try to go all the way up when i reach around 45 degrees it rotates 1-2 times around x-axis and then continues to increase y-axis. I can't understand if i have done something wrong so if anyone could help i would appreciate it.
It seems you have misplaced a paranthesis:
Front.x = cos(convertToRads(yaw) * cos(convertToRads(pitch)));
instead of:
Front.x = cos(convertToRads(yaw)) * cos(convertToRads(pitch));