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Coloring DC.JS Choropleth Charts

Trying to color a DC.JS choropleth chart. The Default colorAccessor isn't working and I am at a loss for making things work. Any help would be tremendous. I feel like some custom reduce function is necessary but I am not too sure how or where.

                .colorAccessor(function(d){ console.log(d);  return d.value;  })
                .overlayGeoJson(statesJson.features ,"zip_area");


  • You are not defining the overlayGeoJson function from where to get the value

    You defined like this:

    overlayGeoJson(statesJson.features ,"zip_area");

    Should have been

     .overlayGeoJson(statesJson.features ,"zip_area", 
    function(d){ return})

    Now b'coz the above function returns zip codes so d.value will be undefined

    .colorAccessor(function(d){ return d.value;  })

    It should be

     .colorAccessor(function (d) { return colors(d); });

    I have defined a linear scale for colors its value should be returned from colorAccessor function.

      var colors = d3.scale.linear().range(["#E2F2FF", "#C4E4FF", "#9ED2FF", "#81C5FF", "#6BBAFF", "#51AEFF", "#36A2FF", "#1E96FF", "#0089FF", "#0061B5"]);

    Full working code here

    Hope this helps!