How to implement a search functionality with relay?
So, the workflow is
search form
.there should not be any query (as in relay container) when initializing the view.
a relay query is sent to the server
page displays it and relay reconciles the filtered
results with local cache.
I have not seen an example of ad hoc query but only part of a relay container (which it resolves before component initialization). So, how to model it. should it be like a mutation?
If I understand correctly you'd like to not send any query at all for the component until the user enters some search text, at which point the query should sent. This can be accomplished with the example posted by @Xuorig, with one addition: use GraphQL's @include
directive to skip the fragment until a variable is set. Here's the extended example:
export default Relay.createContainer(Search, {
initialVariables: {
count: 3,
query: null,
hasQuery: false, // `@include(if: ...)` takes a boolean
fragments: {
viewer: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on Viewer {
# add `@include` to skip the fragment unless $query/$hasQuery are set
items(first: $count, query: $query) @include(if: $hasQuery) {
edges {
node {
This query will be skipped initially since the include condition is falsy. Then, the component can call setVariables({query: someQueryText, hasQuery: true})
when text input is changed, at which point the @include
condition will become true and the query will be sent to the server.