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Convert ubyte[] to string in D

I am receiving a ubyte[] from an untrusted source and need to convert it to a utf-8 encoded string. How can I convert it and check that the bytes I was given are valid utf-8 data? There does not seem to be a function in phobos that does this directly (ie takes a ubyte[] or a range of ubyte and converts it to a string or range of chars).


  • std.utf.validate?

    And something like this?

    import std.stdio;
    import std.utf;
    void main()
        ubyte[] bytes = cast(ubyte[])"собака";
        writeln("bytes: ", bytes);
        string str = cast(string)bytes;
        writeln("string: ", str);

    Application output:

    bytes: [209, 129, 208, 190, 208, 177, 208, 176, 208, 186, 208, 176]
    string: собака