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Turing Machine - Finding k-th element based on input

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Currently, I am trying to work on a Turing Machine. It should take in a sequence k, x1, x2, . . . , xn where k is a positive integer and for each i, xi is a nonnegative integer as input. All the numbers will be encoded in the form of a^k b a^x1 b a^x2 b ..... b a^xn.

For output, it should output the value of the k-th element.

For example: If my input is aaababaaaaabaa(k = 3, 1st element = 1, 2nd element = 5, 3rd element = 2)

In this case, the Turing Machine should display the output as aa(2). The problem currently I am facing is I have no idea how to keep track of the number k since there is no counter/memory to store the value k. Also, I have no idea how to output the value even if I've keep tracked of the k-th element

I had try to use the marking symbol technique where for each read of a from k, it will write it as A and go right to find b. If b is found, then write it as B and go back to find A. In this case, I can keep track of each A and B (my idea is like cancelling each a with each b). But at the end, when there are no more A and B, I have no idea how to go to the k-th element and output the value.

Hope someone can help me with this.

p/s: I am using a Tuatara Simulator

Thank you.


  • You can keep track of the decreasing number of 𝑘 by mapping each a that belongs to the encoding of 𝑘 with a b. The idea to mark the characters that belong to such a pair is a good one. Once you have no more (unmarked) a left over, you can start to delete characters up until (and including) the first unmarked b. The a that follow should stay. Finally delete any characters that follow that series of a.

    This approach would actually select the k+1th number, so just delete the first a without mapping it to a b to compensate for that.

    You mentioned in comments that you are using a one-sided Turing Machine, where it is infinite to the right, but has a start at the left, where also the head starts. As you indicated that the expected output should be left-aligned at the start of the tape, you'll need some extra states and transitions to "move" the found sequence of a to the left. You can do this in different ways. One is to delete the rightmost a and write one at the left side of the sequence. Repeat this until you arrive at the start of the tape, which we could mark with a letter "A".

    I would also wipe out the a that belong to 𝑘 instead of marking them with an uppercase, as in the end you'll want to delete or replace those anyway.

    Here is a possible transition table:

    state read write move head next state
    start a A right get
    start b or _ right reject
    get a _ right findb
    get B _ right wipe
    get b _ right keep
    findb a or B right findb
    findb b B left rewind
    findb _ left reject
    rewind a or B left rewind
    rewind _ right get
    wipe a or B _ right wipe
    wipe b _ right keep
    wipe _ left reject
    keep a right keep
    keep _ left pickup
    keep b _ right trim
    trim a or b _ right trim
    trim _ left pickup
    pickup a _ left roll
    pickup _ left pickup
    pickup A _ accept
    roll a left roll
    roll _ a right right
    right a right right
    right _ left pickup
    roll A a accept

    The initial state is "start" and a blank is represented by "_". If the input has a solution, the final state will be "accept".

    Here is a runnable implementation with that transition table:

        transitions: [
            { state: "start",  read: "a",   write: "A", move: "R", nextState: "get"    },
            { state: "start",  read: "b_",              move: "R", nextState: "reject" },
            { state: "get",    read: "a",   write: "_", move: "R", nextState: "findb"  },
            { state: "get",    read: "B",   write: "_", move: "R", nextState: "wipe"   },
            { state: "get",    read: "b",   write: "_", move: "R", nextState: "keep"   },
            { state: "findb",  read: "aB",              move: "R", nextState: "findb"  },
            { state: "findb",  read: "b",   write: "B", move: "L", nextState: "rewind" },
            { state: "findb",  read: "_",               move: "L", nextState: "reject" },
            { state: "rewind", read: "aB",              move: "L", nextState: "rewind" },
            { state: "rewind", read: "_",               move: "R", nextState: "get"    },
            { state: "wipe",   read: "aB",  write: "_", move: "R", nextState: "wipe"   },
            { state: "wipe",   read: "b",   write: "_", move: "R", nextState: "keep"   },
            { state: "wipe",   read: "_",               move: "L", nextState: "reject" },
            { state: "keep",   read: "a",               move: "R", nextState: "keep"   },
            { state: "keep",   read: "_",               move: "L", nextState: "pickup" },
            { state: "keep",   read: "b",   write: "_", move: "R", nextState: "trim"   },
            { state: "trim",   read: "ab",  write: "_", move: "R", nextState: "trim"   },
            { state: "trim",   read: "_",               move: "L", nextState: "pickup" },
            { state: "pickup", read: "a",   write: "_", move: "L", nextState: "roll"   },
            { state: "pickup", read: "_",               move: "L", nextState: "pickup" },
            { state: "pickup", read: "A",   write: "_",            nextState: "accept" },
            { state: "roll",   read: "a",               move: "L", nextState: "roll"   },
            { state: "roll",   read: "_",   write: "a", move: "R", nextState: "right"  },
            { state: "right",  read: "a",               move: "R", nextState: "right"  },
            { state: "right",  read: "_",               move: "L", nextState: "pickup" },
            { state: "roll",   read: "A",   write: "a",            nextState: "accept" },
        initState: "start",
        tape: "aaababaaaaabaa"
    <script src=""></script>