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Original thumbs position when mouseleave scrolled thumbs div

I'm using this code,css,js,output to do a thumbs slider.

I want to reset the inner thumbs div position to its original position when mouse "leave" (not hover) the container thumbs div, but I don't know much JavaScript (i'm a beginner). I'm trying this code but it just do nothing:

$bl.mouseleave (function() {
        $th.css({marginLeft: 0 });

Any clue, tutorial or help are welcome. Thanks!


  • The function in the script you are referring to has a timeout function that continuously asks for current position (given in local variables) and calculates the correct offset and margins based on that. Therefor your current javascript doesn't work - cause it will just be overruled by the timeout function that looks at the local variables for current position. Therefor you have to reset the position to 0.

    By adding a function like this:

    $bl.mouseleave(function(e) {
        mX = 0;
        mX2 = 0;