I have to send an XML-file from one java Application to another.
Currently, it works like this: - Export to local XML-file from application 1 - Import local XML-file in application 2
Now I have to do this via web service(s). Is it possible to create a JAX-WS web service in application 1 that redirects to application 2 with the data needed?
I can send the data (object) as a serialized object, instead of a XML-file. But is this possible? And if so, how?
Both applications are written in Eclipse-Scout.
Thanks in advance.
webservice is simple and usefull if your two apps run on different machines.
Sending server: use a library for http (post or get)
1 only keep your file. just use an HTTP / POST. works for text an binary
2 more simple: if your datas are little text, you can use HTTP / GET (beware of special characters: you can encode them).
3 if you can put all your datas in one structure (object), just serialize it, put the result in a String, and send it.
Receiving server:
if you use tomcat, extend HttpServlet, and get by doPost or doGet
Or you can use another light http server
Or soap library (no really need).
Sending server: HttpURLConnection conn= (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); // etc.
Receiving server:
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
String one_parameter = request.getParameter("name_of_parameter");
See these links for more explanation: