I worked on a Java EE application with following configs:
However, after upgrading the configs to followings, all aspects with "call" wildcards have not worked properly and as a result, no joinpoints, which already hit, can be touched, now:
The aspect snippet is as follows:
@Before("call(public * com.gam.commons.core.api.services.Service+.(..)) && within(com.gam.calendar.biz.service.internal.impl.)")
public void handle(JoinPoint thisJoinPoint) {
Class declaringType = thisJoinPoint.getSignature().getDeclaringType();
if (declaringType.isInterface()) {
UserProfileTO userProfileTO = ((AbstractService) thisJoinPoint.getThis()).getUserProfileTO();/* Caller or this /
((Service) thisJoinPoint.getTarget()).setUserProfileTO(userProfileTO);/ Callee or target */
Now, I am delightfully looking forward in case of any meaningful points you would have for feeding me.
Attention: My problem was due to something else, please look at my answer to glean more information about the issue.
I made a mistake as my problem was completely due to something else. As I updated my project to be compiled by JDK 1.8.0_66, I should have re-configured aspect-maven-plugin to be compatible with this upgrade. Fortunately, my problem has been solved by re-configuring the appropriate plugin on the POM file, as follows:
More info about "aspectj-maven-plugin" is available on aspectj-maven-plugin