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ember firebase pass models to action handler

I have ember data models hooked with firebase, characters and spells. I can create new models and save them to firebase. Now I wanted to add spells to character. I defined that character has many spells:

export default DS.Model.extend({
  chClass: DS.attr(),
  chName: DS.attr(),
  chImage: DS.attr(), 
  chSpells: DS.hasMany('spell', {async: true}),

In my hbs I listed spells in <select> element, there is also input fields and add button.

Add new character <br>
name {{input value=mchName }}<br>
class {{input value=mchClass }}<br>
image {{input value=mchImage }}<br>

Choose Spells:<br>
<select name="spellslist" multiple>
{{#each spells as |spell index|}}
 <option value="{{index}}">{{spell.spName}}</option>

<button {{action 'addChar' spells}}>add</button><br>

So when user types in character name, level and picks some spells I want to call addChar action function on add button and pass this data.

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
store: Ember.inject.service(),

actions: {
addChar: function(spells) {
  var newChar ='character');
  newChar.set("chName", this.mchName);
  newChar.set("chClass", this.mchClass);
  newChar.set("chImage", this.mchImage);
  newChar.get("chSpells").addObject(?????? how to get spell here ?????);;

I know how to pass string from inputs, but I dont know how to pass selected spells to this function, its killing me.


  • I'm assuming that you (as admin) are going to populate the spells table. Now ... assuming that a character can have many spells and a spell can have many characters, here's how one can approach this (note that I'm using a controller ... you should ideally be doing this in a component):

    Character model is simplified:

    import DS from 'ember-data';
    export default DS.Model.extend({
      chName: DS.attr(),
      chSpells: DS.hasMany('spell', {async: true})

    Spells model is also simplified for this example:

    import DS from 'ember-data';
    export default DS.Model.extend({
      spName: DS.attr(),
      spellChar: DS.hasMany('character', {async: true})

    We need an include helper for the multiline select. Review this article for details:

     import Ember from 'ember';
      export function include(params/*, hash*/) {
      const [items, value] = params;
      return items.indexOf(value) > -1;
      export default Ember.Helper.helper(include);

    Here's the application route:

    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Route.extend({
      model: function(){
        var spells ='spell');
        return spells;

    And the application controller:

    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Controller.extend({
      selectedSpellIds: [],
      actions: {
          const selectedSpellIds = Ember.$(;
          this.set('selectedSpellIds', selectedSpellIds || []);
        addChar: function(){
          var charName = this.get('mchName');
          var _this = this;
          var spells = this.get('selectedSpellIds');
          var spellObjArray ={
            return'spell', spellId );
          var charToSave ='character', {
              chName: charName,
              chSpells: spellObjArray

    And the application template:

    Add new character <br>
    name {{input value=mchName }}<br>
    Choose Spells:<br>
    <select multiple onchange={{action "selectSpell"}}>
    {{#each model as |spell|}}
     <option value={{}} selected={{include selectedSpellIds}}>{{spell.spName}}</option>
    <button {{action 'addChar'}}>add</button><br>