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Nest API in html 5 code

For my mobile HTML5 application I have added a script which is included in the index.html file of course.

  • Nest.js (see code below)

When I run my application I always get the error that Firebase is not defined. Which strange because the function is very straight forward: --> var dataRef = new Firebase('wss://')

Do I need the included extra code?

 *  Copyright 2014 Nest Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
/* globals $, Firebase */
'use strict';

var nestToken = $.cookie(''),
    thermostat = {},
    structure  = {};

if (nestToken) { // Simple check for token

  // Create a reference to the API using the provided token
  var dataRef = new Firebase('wss://');

  // in a production client we would want to
  // handle auth errors here.

} else {
  // No auth token, go get one

  The appropriate version of target temperature to display is based on
  the following parameters:

  * hvac_mode (C or F)
  * temperature_scale (range, heat, cool, or off)

  When hvac_mode is 'range' we display both the low and the high setpoints like:

    68 • 80° F

  For 'heat' or 'cool' just the temperature is displayed

    70° F

  For 'off' we show that the thermostat is off:


  Away modes are handled separately

  @param object thermostat model
  @returns undefined
function updateTemperatureDisplay (thermostat) {
  var scale = thermostat.temperature_scale.toLowerCase();

  // For Heat • Cool mode, we display a range of temperatures
  // we support displaying but not changing temps in this mode
  if (thermostat.hvac_mode === 'range') {
    $('#target-temperature .temp').text(
      thermostat['target_temperature_low_' + scale] + ' • ' +
      thermostat['target_temperature_high_' + scale]

  // Display the string 'off' when the thermostat is turned off
  } else if (thermostat.hvac_mode === 'off') {
    $('#target-temperature .temp').text('off');

  // Otherwise just display the target temperature
  } else {
    $('#target-temperature .temp').text(thermostat['target_temperature_' + scale] + '°');

  // Update ambient temperature display
  $('#ambient-temperature .temp').text(thermostat['ambient_temperature_' + scale] + '°');

  Updates the thermostat view with the latests data

  * Temperature scale
  * HVAC mode
  * Target and ambient temperatures
  * Device name

  @param object thermostat model
  @returns undefined
function updateThermostatView(thermostat) {
  var scale = thermostat.temperature_scale;

  $('#target-temperature .hvac-mode').text(thermostat.hvac_mode);

  Updates the structure's home/away state by
  adding the class 'home' when the structure is
  set to home, and removing it when in any away state

  @param object structure
  @returns undefined
function updateStructureView (structure) {
  if (structure.away === 'home') {
  } else {

  Updates the thermostat's target temperature
  by the specified number of degrees in the
  specified scale. If a type is specified, it
  will be used to set just that target temperature

  @param Number degrees
  @param String temperature scale
  @param String type, high or low. Used in heat-cool mode (optional)
  @returns undefined
function adjustTemperature(degrees, scale, type) {
  scale = scale.toLowerCase();
  type = type ? type + '_' : '';
  var newTemp = thermostat['target_temperature_' + scale] + degrees,
      path = 'devices/thermostats/' + thermostat.device_id + '/target_temperature_' + type + scale;

  if (thermostat.is_using_emergency_heat) {
    console.error("Can't adjust target temperature while using emergency heat.");
  } else if (thermostat.hvac_mode === 'heat-cool' && !type) {
    console.error("Can't adjust target temperature while in Heat • Cool mode, use target_temperature_high/low instead.");
  } else if (type && thermostat.hvac_mode !== 'heat-cool') {
    console.error("Can't adjust target temperature " + type + " while in " + thermostat.hvac_mode +  " mode, use target_temperature instead.");
  } else if (structure.away.indexOf('away') > -1) {
    console.error("Can't adjust target temperature while structure is set to Away or Auto-away.");
  } else { // ok to set target temperature

  When the user clicks the up button,
  adjust the temperature up 1 degree F
  or 0.5 degrees C

$('#up-button').on('click', function () {
  var scale = thermostat.temperature_scale,
      adjustment = scale === 'F' ? +1 : +0.5;
  adjustTemperature(adjustment, scale);

  When the user clicks the down button,
  adjust the temperature down 1 degree F
  or 0.5 degrees C

$('#down-button').on('click', function () {
  var scale = thermostat.temperature_scale,
      adjustment = scale === 'F' ? -1 : -0.5;
  adjustTemperature(adjustment, scale);

  When the user clicks the heating up button,
  adjust the temperature up 1 degree F
  or 0.5 degrees C

$('#up-button-heat').on('click', function () {
  var scale = thermostat.temperature_scale,
      adjustment = scale === 'F' ? +1 : +0.5;
  adjustTemperature(adjustment, scale, 'heat');

  When the user clicks the heating down button,
  adjust the temperature down 1 degree F
  or 0.5 degrees C

$('#down-button-heat').on('click', function () {
  var scale = thermostat.temperature_scale,
      adjustment = scale === 'F' ? -1 : -0.5;
  adjustTemperature(adjustment, scale, 'heat');

  When the user clicks the cooling up button,
  adjust the temperature up 1 degree F
  or 0.5 degrees C

$('#up-button-cool').on('click', function () {
  var scale = thermostat.temperature_scale,
      adjustment = scale === 'F' ? +1 : +0.5;
  adjustTemperature(adjustment, scale, 'cool');

  When the user clicks the cooling down button,
  adjust the temperature down 1 degree F
  or 0.5 degrees C

$('#down-button-cool').on('click', function () {
  var scale = thermostat.temperature_scale,
      adjustment = scale === 'F' ? -1 : -0.5;
  adjustTemperature(adjustment, scale, 'cool');

  Utility method to return the first child
  value of the passed in object.

  @param object
  @returns object
function firstChild(object) {
  for(var key in object) {
    return object[key];

  Start listening for changes on this account,
  update appropriate views as data changes.

dataRef.on('value', function (snapshot) {
  var data = snapshot.val();

  // For simplicity, we only care about the first
  // thermostat in the first structure
  structure = firstChild(data.structures),
  thermostat = data.devices.thermostats[structure.thermostats[0]];

  // TAH-361, device_id does not match the device's path ID
  thermostat.device_id = structure.thermostats[0];




  • You need to include the Firebase javascript API in your index.html, before nest.js.

    Do i need it to import in the main index.html or in the scriot file of nest.js itself?

    In general you can do either. It is a good practice to include the source files as separate script tags in your index.html, and use an automated build process (like grunt-contrib-concat) to concatenate them before distribution.

    PS: I highly suggest you to renew your api token. It's not that hard to find out the missing characters of your client_id