Say I have four teams, ABCD, I want to create matches so that the teams evenly have to do them:
not desired
Another way of putting it: I want the teams to have a match as few in a row as possible.
Target language is C#, but I can translate easily.
Edit: Quick sidenote, it can be more than 4 teams!
One way to solve this is by the following steps:
Some sample code:
// Just a container to conveniently hold a match between two teams
public class Match
public Match(string teamOne, string teamTwo)
TeamOne = teamOne;
TeamTwo = teamTwo;
public string TeamOne { get; private set; }
public string TeamTwo { get; private set; }
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("{0} vs {1}", TeamOne, TeamTwo);
public class MatchMaking
public MatchMaking()
Teams = new List<string> { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" };
public IList<string> Teams { get; private set; }
public IList<Match> GetMatches()
var unorderedMatches = GetUnorderedMatches();
// The list that we will eventually return
var orderedMatches = new List<Match>();
// Track the most recently added match
Match lastAdded = null;
// Loop through the unordered matches
// Add items to the ordered matches
// Add the one that is most different from the last added match
for (var i = 0; i < unorderedMatches.Count; i++)
if (lastAdded == null)
lastAdded = unorderedMatches[i];
unorderedMatches[i] = null;
var remainingMatches = unorderedMatches.Where(m => m != null);
// Get the match which is the most different from the last added match
// We do this by examining all of the unadded matches and getting the maximum difference
Match mostDifferentFromLastAdded = null;
int greatestDifference = 0;
foreach (var match in remainingMatches)
var difference = GetDifference(lastAdded, match);
if (difference > greatestDifference)
greatestDifference = difference;
mostDifferentFromLastAdded = match;
if (difference == 2)
// Add the most different match
var index = unorderedMatches.ToList().IndexOf(mostDifferentFromLastAdded);
lastAdded = unorderedMatches[index];
unorderedMatches[index] = null;
return orderedMatches;
// Create a list containing the total match combinations with an arbitrary order
private List<Match> GetUnorderedMatches()
var totalNumberOfCombinations = AdditionFactorial(Teams.Count - 1);
var unorderedMatches = new List<Match>(totalNumberOfCombinations);
for (int i = 0; i < Teams.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < Teams.Count; j++)
if (j <= i) continue;
unorderedMatches.Add(new Match(Teams[i], Teams[j]));
return unorderedMatches;
// Get the difference between two matches
// 0 - no difference, 1 - only one team different, 2 - both teams different
private int GetDifference(Match matchOne, Match matchTwo)
var matchOneTeams = new HashSet<string> { matchOne.TeamOne, matchOne.TeamTwo };
var matchTwoTeams = new HashSet<string> { matchTwo.TeamOne, matchTwo.TeamTwo };
var intersection = matchOneTeams.Intersect(matchTwoTeams);
return (intersection.Count() - 2) * -1;
// Just a helper to get the total number of match combinations
private int AdditionFactorial(int seed)
int result = 0;
for (int i = seed; i > 0; i--)
result += i;
return result;
public class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var matchMaking = new MatchMaking();
foreach (var match in matchMaking.GetMatches())