Because I use the tftp command to transfer an important file, I would like to compare md5 in order to valid the transfer. Note : The file has been already transfered in the the example below
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE *input_md5_fd;
FILE *md5_fd;
size_t md5_length;
size_t nbr_items;
char *input_md5 = NULL;
char *file_md5 = NULL;
int ret;
system("tftp -g -r INPUT_MD5");
input_md5_fd = fopen("INPUT_MD5", "r");
if (input_md5_fd != NULL)
fprintf(stdout,"MD5 transfered\n");
md5_length = ftell(md5_fd);
input_md5 = malloc(md5_length + 1);
nbr_items = fread(input_md5, 1, md5_length, input_md5_fd);
input_md5[nbr_items] = 0;
fprintf(stdout, "length = %lu B\n",md5_length);
fprintf(stdout, "contains %s\n", input_md5);
return -1;
system("md5sum IMPORTANT_FILE > /tmp/file_md5.txt");
md5_fd = fopen("file_md5.txt", "r");
if (md5_fd != NULL)
file_md5 = malloc(md5_length +1);
nbr_items = fread(file_md5, 1, md5_length, md5_fd);
file_md5[nbr_items] = 0;
fprintf(stdout, "contains %s\n", file_md5);
return -1;
printf("file_md5 = %s\n", file_md5);
printf("input_md5 = %s\n", input_md5);
ret = strncmp(file_md5, input_md5, md5_length);
printf("ret = %d\n", ret);
Output :
MD5 transfered
length = 33 B
contains a95ef51ec6b1b06f61c97559ddf4868f
contains a95ef51ec6b1b06f61c97559ddf4868f
file_md5 = a95ef51ec6b1b06f61c97559ddf4868f
input_md5 = a95ef51ec6b1b06f61c97559ddf4868f
ret = 22
The input files contain :
# cat /tmp/INPUT_MD5
# cat /tmp/file_md5
a95ef51ec6b1b06f61c97559ddf4868f XXX_XX-XXXX-XX-DD.DDD-DD.DDD.DD.bin
X being char and D decimal values.
Why ret is not equal to 0 ? In addition, I don't know from where 34 comes from
EDIT : CODE HAS BEEN UPDATED, problem came from md5_length definition. long type has been exchanged to size_t
You risk printing out and comparing garbage since you don't ensure the strings are nul terminated.
You need to do
fread(file_md5, 1, md5_length, md5_fd);
file_md5[md5_length] = 0;
And similar for input_md5
. Or to do it properly, use the return value of fread()
to add the nul terminator in the proper place, check if fread() fails, Check how much it returned.
If you also place your debug output inside quotes, it'll also be easier to spot unwanted whitespace or unprintable characters:
fprintf(stdout, "contains '%s'\n", input_md5);