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Dimension in for loop not correct

I'm struggling with a problem for two days now and I just don't get it.

input <- H_t <- matrix(rep(0,2515), 2515, 4)

for( i in 2:d[1])
for(k in seq(from=1, to=10057, by=4))
for(l in seq(from=4, to=10060, by=4))
Sigma[k:l ,1:4]=cov(H_t[1:i,1:4]) ##here is the problem of dimensions

The loop should create a rolling window of covariance matrices. This is why I need the Sigma to move by 4. Does R understand the for loop for k and l?


  • Yes, R understandes the loop for k and l.

    Taking your code and adding oppening and closing {} we get:

    input <- H_t <- matrix(rep(0,2515), 2515, 4)
    Sigma = matrix(0, d[1]*4, 4)
    for(i in 2:d[1]){
      # i <- 2
      for(k in seq(from=1, to=10057, by=4)){
        # k <- 1
        for(l in seq(from=4, to=10060, by=4)){
          # l <- 4
          Sigma[k:l ,1:4] = cov(H_t[1:i,1:4]) ##here is the problem of dimensions

    Side note: Allways good to use set.seed() when using random number generators in examples.

    The loop works but results in the following error:

    number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

    As I understand your code you want to calculate step by step a 4x4 cov matrix, correct? But the loop tries to save this 4x4 using Sigma[k:l, ] It works for the first iteration, i.e. k = 1 and l = 4. But with the the next iteration l takes the value of 8 and now the code says: Sigma[1:8, ] = cov(H_t[1:i,1:4])

    Hope this helps.

    Edit in response to the comment:

    This works for a rolling window backwards looking (window of 4 observations max):

    n <- 15
    input <- H_t <- matrix(rep(0,n), n, 4)
    H_t[,1] <- rnorm(n)
    H_t[,2] <- rnorm(n)
    H_t[,3] <- rnorm(n)
    H_t[,4] <- rnorm(n)
    d <- dim(H_t)
    Sigma <- matrix(0, (n-1)*4, 4)
    k <- seq(from=1, to=(n-1)*4 - 3, by=4)
    l <- seq(from=4, to=(n-1)*4, by=4)
    # start the rolling and calculate the cov backwards looking
    for(i in 1:(n-1)){
      present <- i + 1
      past <- present - 3
      if(past < 1) past <- 1
      Sigma[k[i]:l[i], ] = cov(H_t[past:present, 1:4])

    From the comments it now is clear to me it should be a growing window:

    # start the growing and calculate the cov backwards looking
    for(i in 1:(n-1)){
      present <- i + 1
      Sigma[k[i]:l[i], ] = cov(H_t[1:present, 1:4])